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Scouting at CES

Our school boasts active members of both the Cub Scouts (Pack 315) and Girl Scouts (Troop 326)


Senator Neil Riser donated a brand new American flag  to the school recently.  Cub Scouts hold a flag ceremony at our school every morning and evening.  

 The active Junior Girl Scouts at CES are starting a recycling drive at our school this year!  We will be recycling plastic milk and fruit containers, as well as paper and cardboard.  

Our school boasts active members of both the Cub Scouts (Pack 315) and Girl Scouts (Troop 326)


Senator Neil Riser donated a brand new American flag  to the school recently.  Cub Scouts hold a flag ceremony at our school every morning and evening.  

 The active Junior Girl Scouts at CES are starting a recycling drive at our school this year!  We will be recycling plastic milk and fruit containers, as well as paper and cardboard.