CPSD Virtual Parent Academy #2 - Tips for a Successful Parent Teacher Conference View the recording of CPSD Virtual Parent Academy #2Date: 10/11/21 Time: 6:00 p.m.
Student Online Enrichment Sites List A list of resources for students to use for enrichment activities from home is now available.
Safety Plan for Widespread Illness (ex. Coronavirus) In Caldwell Parish Schools Please see the full document at the link above.
Preparing for the Coronavirus Disease - FAQ from Louisiana DOE March 3, 2020 - Frequently Asked Questions for K-12 Schools
Columbia Elementary School Performance rating of "A" The State Department of Education released new School Performance Scores on November 8th. Columbia Elementary received a rating of "A".
Columbia Elementary School Supply Lists Please click this news article to view School Supply Lists for each grade. These are printable files or you can always get printed copies of these in the school lobby just beyond the front doors.